Il tema
La libertà religiosa

ANTONIO OJEDA-AVILÈS, The collective negotiation of reasonable accomodation of the religious acts in the company, 1231

CHRISTOPHE VIGNEAU, Religious freedom at work in France, 1253

ALBERTO PIZZOFERRATO, Freedom of Religion in the Workplace: the Current State of the Art, 1263

ENRICO GRAGNOLI, Divine protection and human law. Work, the social marginality of religion and protection of freedom, 1275

LUCIANO GENOVESI, Religious creed and law: two worlds apart? 1297

STEFANIA SCARPONI, The “fair balance” of fundamental rights in the European Court of Justice decisions in the matter of religious freedom at work and the impact of the principle of “proportionality”, 1313

ANTONELLO OLIVIERI, The legal system between divine law and labour law: the one who is overmuch righteous, for this reason becomes unrighteous, 1333

MARCO BIASI-ALESSANDRO NEGRI, Libertà religiosa e sport professionistico: il caso dei giocatori NBA osservanti il Ramadan, 1351

CINZIA CARTA, Companies’ polizie of neutrality and the principle of non – discrimination, 1367

GIULIA CASSANO, The freedom of religion in the workplace in the latest case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union: the Cresco investigation case and religious holidays, 1379

CLAUDIA CARCHIO-ELISABETTA SARTOR, The principle of secularity as a neutral approach and the indirect religious discriminations in the employment relationship, 1391

STEFANO MARIA CORSO, Religious belief versus health and safety at work: labour law as a guarantor of respect for fundamental rights, 1413

BARBARA DE MOZZI, Religious freedom and the right to rest days on religious festivals (of others), 1429

PIERLUIGI DIGENNARO, A critical assessment of the EUCJ case law on the manifestation of religious convictions at the workplace, 1451

INMACULADA MARÍN ALONSO-CARMEN SOLÍS PRIETO, The impact of religious freedom in the Labor and Social Security Framework in Spain, 1465

CATERINA MAZZANTI-GIANLUCA PICCO, The principle of laicism in the employment relationship from the perspective of National and European jurisprudence, 1489

FATIMA NOGAYLIEVA, Accommodating Religion and Belief in Russian Labour Law: Silent Consent or Unspoken Tabu, 1507

MARCO PERUZZI-ANNA ZILLI, Sexual orientation and work in organizations with religion or belief – based ethos, 1519

GIUSEPPE ANTONIO RECCHIA, “Discrimination on another ground”: when religious liberty and sexual orientation collide 1539

NICOLÒ ROSSI, Working time and religious belief: a matter of reasonableness, 1561

MILENA S. ROUXINOL, Brief thoughts on some problems arising from religious expression in workplace, 1575

CATERINA TIMELLINI, Islam subtly enters the labor relationship between trade union negotiations and inclusive safety, 1587

LAURA TORSELLO, Religious freedom in the workplace, between new needs and the multi – dimensionality of protection, 1603

LUIS ANGEL TRIGUERO MARTINEZ, Relaciones laborales y religiòn en la empresa: que lugar para la gestiòn de los riesgos psicosociales? 1617

MARIA DEL FRATE, Le Sezioni unite n. 16601 del 2017 in materia di punitive damage: una possibile lettura in prospettiva giuslavoristica, 1631

FRANCESCA DE MICHIEL, Il reddito di cittadinanza, tra contrasto alla povertà e politiche attive del lavoro, 1659

IRENE DI SPILIMBERGO, Ancora sulla tensione fra tutela e parità di genere nel lavoro, 1693

LOREDANA FERLUGA, Il lavoro nelle cooperative sociali, 1711

VINCENZO FERRANTE, Nullità e disciplina del rapporto di lavoro, 1731

CHIARA LAZZARI, Sull’incerta vigenza dell’art. 8, commi primo – terzo, della legge n. 148 del 2011,  1755

GIAN PIERO MARCELLINI, Il convivente more uxorio quale potenziale beneficiario del congedo straordinario per assistere un familiare disabile e l’età avanzata del titolare del diritto quale potenziale causale di subentro dei legittimati sussidiari, 1785

FEDERICO PISANI, I diritti dei ricercatori universitari sulle invenzioni finanziate, 1807

CINZIA SCURZIO, Una prospettiva internazionale sulla tutela della stabilità del lavoro, 1829

PAOLO TOMASSETTI, Apprendistato di primo livello e legislazione speciale sul lavoro dei minori: profili critici e prospettive evolutive, 1865

Autori, 1893

Variazioni su Temi di Diritto del Lavoro n. straordinario 5/2019
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